Quality Policy

Oleo Tecnica S.r.l.

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Main objectives

  1. To increase customers' satisfaction complying with their present and future needs and expectations.
  2. To motivate personnel by training to awareness.
  3. Co-operate with suppliers to guarantee products and services according to customers'requests.
  4. To respect people and environment.
  5. To supply high quality products at competitive costs by means of efficient and integrated human and technological resources.
  6. Reduction of non conformity and customers'claims.
  7. Efficiency and efficacy of the S.G.Q. for continuous improvement.
  8. Improvement of economic results.

Management engagements

  1. Human resources:
    • Organised structure
    • Authority level and responsibility
    • Competent and aware personnel
  2. Suitable equipments (machineries, instrumentation etc..).
  3. Suitable working environments.
  4. Respect of applicabile binding legislation.
  5. S.G.Q. definition and engagement for its implementation.
  6. Appointment of the management representative to correctly implement the S.G.Q.

Function responsibility

  1. To verify internal resources and procedures to reach company objectives.
  2. To communicate and apply in each own area the quality objectives estalished.
  3. To make sure that the activities performed by company personnel are conforming to what established in the quality policy.

0363 40447